Haunted House + Decay of Capitalism = Yum!

We adore James Tynion IV’s inventive horror stories and this one is no exception. Christian Ward’s art style ramps up the trippy tension in Spectregraph’s science meets horror smosgasbord.

THE PLOT: For years, the mansion has sat strangely, nestled into the coastline just a short drive north of Los Angeles. Rumors have haunted the place for years. Its owner a titan of American industry, with a strange fascination in the occult and the paranormal. For decades, the richest men and women in the country have whispered to each other, trying to understand what he was building alone in that mansion for all those years. And now finally, with his death, and his estate finally open for sale...

Now imagine a machine that can manipulate the human soul…

Note: This is just part 1 of a 3 part mini series. They are oversized and very nicely printed.


Psychadelic Colonialism in Space!