Black Widow: Yes, there’s one superhero pick too! It’s just so darn good.
Our Promice: You don’t have to know anything about Black Widow besides what you’ve seen in the MCU to enjoy Kelly Thompson’s award-winning series.
Kelly Thompson - Award winning writer. Black Widow - ass kicking Natasha Romanoff. 'Nuff said!
The Plot: Something is very wrong with Natasha: She's…happy?!
The Widow has been a spy almost as long as she's been alive. And she's never stopped running, whether she was working for the good guys or the bad. But retirement definitely agrees with the world's deadliest woman as she revels in the perfect life she never dreamed she could have. But scratch the surface of that perfect life and you'll find something very wrong lurking beneath it - and a woman like Nat just can't help but scratch. Beyond San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge lies a mystery only the Marvel Universe's greatest spy can solve!