Free Comic Book Day is Saturday May 4, 2024.
Free Comic Book Day is Saturday May 4, 2024.
When? 11:00AM-5:00PM, Saturday May 4, 2024
Where? Hello Comics Uptown, 398 Hillsdale Drive, Charlottesville VA 22901
How many free comics can I get? 5 free comics per person +5 BONUS free comics if you bring a donation for the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Canned food is good. Cash and checks made out to BRAFB are extra appreciated. (Did you know that the BRAFB can provide 4 meals to local families for every $1 donated!?)
Will there be comics for kids and adults? Yes! And Teens too! There’s a color coding system for age ratings that we’re happy to help with.
Can I wear a costume? COSTUMES ARE ENCOURAGED! It’s one of our favorite things about FCBD. Let your nerd flag fly!
Will there be a Tent Sale this year? YES! We’ve been saving up dozens of long boxes of awesome comics you can snag for 25 cents each or $40 for a short box. Bring your own short box, or you can purchase one inside the shop for $8.99. Tent sale is Saturday May 4 AND Sunday May 5, 2024.
Any Sales inside the store? Yes! Saturday, May 4 we will have 25% off back issues, used books, and comics (excluding New Releases). This sale continues SUNDAY, May 5 as well - 50% off back issues, used books, and comics (excluding New Releases)
Will there be Online Sales or discounts on the website? No. We are expecting record in-person turnout this year and will not be able to have an online sale on our website.
Can I bring some comics/graphic novels to trade in for cash or credit? Yes, we are accepting trade-ins, but there will be an extended turnaround time for the week before and after Free Comic Book Day.